
Friday, May 30, 2014

How to Make an 8' Dining Table

How to Make an 8' Dining Table

When we were first married we wanted to have the entire family over for Christmas dinner, but we didn't have a large dining room table. All we had was a small, inexpensive pine kitchen table. It did have one leaf, yet expanded it still only had room for four people. Without the leaf, it was a tiny table for two. My husband figured out a way to turn it into an 8' dining room table. We used it for years. Looking back, I really liked that table, and when we had guests over they never knew its secret. My in-laws used the table after we purchased an oak set, and they too enjoyed the large table, fooling their friends into believing it was something it wasn't. Does this Spark an idea?



    On the four corners of the particle board, use the pencil to draw a curved pattern on all four corners. Similar to the illustration with this article. You want each corner to be exactly the same. To assist in the drawing, trace a curved object.


    With the saber saw, cut along the pencil marks. The end result will be a board with curved edges, similar to the illustration with this article.


    Open the table, removing its leaf.


    Lay the board on the table, placing the table in its center.


    Go under the table, and use the pencil to draw two pencil lines on the board, along the straight edge of the center of the table, which is separated, where the leaf would fit.


    Turn the board over, so the lines are now on the top of the table.


    Place the two strips along the lines you've drawn. They should be on the side of the line closest to the center of the table.


    Use the screws to secure the strips to the particle board.


    Flip the board over, and place the strips you've added within the opening of the table. If properly installed, the strips of wood will keep the table top from slipping around.


    Cover the table with a table cloth. Your guests will see the table legs, and never know the table top is just particle board.


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