In 1670, a French vicar named Gabriel Mouton originated the decimal-based metric system, which has gained near-worldwide acceptance, with at least one notable exception. Although the United States has taken steps to officially adopt the metric system, it was met with considerable public resistance. The United States continues to maintain the somewhat archaic "customary" system of measurement. You can convert between the two systems with simple division or multiplication.
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Convert length in meters into feet by multiplying by 3.28. For example, 20 meters multiplied by 3.28 gives you 65.6 feet. To convert from feet to meters, divide by 3.28, such that 20 feet converts to 6.10 meters.
2Convert volume in liters into gallons by dividing by 3.89. For example, 80 liters divided by 3.89 produces 21.1 gallons. To convert from gallons to liters, multiply by 3.89. For example, 5 gallons multiplied by 3.89 converts to 18.9 liters.
3Convert mass in kilograms to weight in pounds by multiplying by 2.20. For example, 80 kilograms multiplied by 2.20 gives you the equivalent weight of 176 pounds. Although mass and weight -- or force -- are different measurements, they are frequently used interchangeably because they are linked with a relatively constant gravitational acceleration. To convert from pounds to kilograms, divide by 2.20, such that 150 pounds is equivalent to 68 kilograms.
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